Help us support those who have served by becoming a VFW Post 688 Site Sponsor! 
Your donation helps Boerne’s local VFW Post maintain its website, support local veteran's programs, grow, and announces to the local community your commitment to supporting our nation's veterans. 
Your advertising dollar goes a long way when you become a Post 688 Site Sponsor. You get way more than just an ad on our VFW Post 688 website.  Every Post 688 Site Sponsor gets a dedicated page on our website plus the ability to edit the content on that page as often as you like. Site Sponsors receive their own login credentials, or the Post 688 webmaster will make changes on your behalf. 

Once your request to become a Site Sponsor is approved, you will send a $300 check to VFW Post 688, or you may provide your donation by credit card through PayPal. Your Site Sponsorship status will be effective for the following 12 months. Finally, you will receive a letter thanking you for your generosity and as documentation for tax purposes.

To become a VFW Post 688 Site Sponsor, please contact us at: 


The Veterans of Foreign War and Post 688 are 501 (c)(19) non-profit organizations, and your donation is tax deductible to the extent that law allows.